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How much fame could Hoi Polloi actually bring?" |
/ 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2018 |
Thanksgiving 1996 |
"Hoi Polloi! #1 & 2: One of the writers of this 'zine (Eric Mearns) got an issue of RBDTC, my *sooper-fantastic* zine at the Janitors Against Apartheid [4/6/96] in NY. In Ithaca NY, I believe. So I get this package of Hoi Polloi! 1 & 2. The first issue has an interview with Dan McAllister (I don't know who Dan McAllister is!), some reviews, a recipe section (Super Succulent Cereal Substitute 77 and Wonderful Wonder-filled whipped 'wiches). Also there is a poorly drawn comic strip called "the Adventures of Yucky ka ka man". I love it! It so reminds me of "Searching for Spatula". #2 has record concert and pie reviews... An interview with the Toasters. A letter to some guy's car alarm, or some guy AND his car alarm (I don't know, I just liked it cuz it used bad words!) another installment of 'Yucky ka ka Man', and at the end there is a bio of all the writers, all 3 of them... I didn't know this, but Eric's real name is Nancy... hmmm." tIM Caron, Rather Be Dead Than Cool #10, Hartford CONNECTICUT
Rochester Hills / Royal Oak, MI |
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Last time I got my hands on a copy of your zine was this summer
Is Hoi Polloi still around? I hope so, I thought you did a great job. Here's a copy of the zine I do out of NYC called Skary Joe, hope you like it. Ad space for bands and 'zines is free so if you send an ad I'll put it in the next issue. See ya! J. Wagner, NYU.EDU
Hey there John (hi Eric, hi Dan) Happy Holidays! Hope all is well with you. I had a number of things to pass along so I thought Id write a quick note (ended up being neither quick nor a note!!) First Im including the business card for Jammyland, if you want to put it in #4 that would be cool. Its a really great store where else can you just walk in and lay your hands on Prince Buster, Derrick Morgan, Justin Hinds, etc. The folks who work there are really nice, well-informed & will play anything you ask them to. Anyone who has ended up with some super-fast Desmond Dekker or other nineties redos of the classics will appreciate that because its often hard to tell from the CD case. The only drawback is that the prices can be a bit high ($16-$19 average) but the selection and quality are worth it in my humble opinion. Plus you can order over the phone & theyll ship it! Anyway I also wanted to pass along the web site addresses I mentioned to you over the phone. First is the site for New England Ska calendar (includes NY State) http:// www. cybercom.net/ ~upsetter /ska/ calendar.html. This is the best site Ive seen on the web for keeping up with shows in New England & NY. You can search by band, state, or both. For instance you can select Skavoovie & the Epitones & NY and find any and all shows theyre playing around the state. Second is another good site for ska & punk shows in NY, NJ, & PA. Actually she doesnt really list for any part of NY except for NYC. That site is http://www. angelfire.com/ pg1/ poopants/index.html you can also link to this site from the NE one. Finally, here is the site for the Haunt in Ithaca http://www. publicom .com/haunt/ thehaunt. However, I have not been able to access it lately, I searched w/ Excite recently and got http://www. publicom .com.haunt. notab.html But that didnt work either. In any case, if it ever comes back up, they usually have a fairly updated calendar. There are a shitload of ska sites out there as you well know, but these 3 are essential for keeping up w/ whos playing where in the Northeast. Maybe you could put them in the zine to promote them? Theyre really worth it. Speaking of ska shows, as you must know by now, Mustard Plug is cancelled. While I did want to see them, it worked out well for me. Theres a monster show at the Wetlands. (Toasters, Slackers, Skavoovie & the Es, & Venice Shoreline C) which Im going to, I have room for 2 in my car if you want a ride but Im afraid I cant offer a place to stay as Ive already got 3 of us crashing at my Aunts which is really the max I can impose on her. So if you can find a place to crash, I can offer a ride - Im leaving around noon on Friday 20th. Now Im into page 2 (or 3 depending on how you prefer to count) here! This is getting quite long so Ill wrap it up here. Finally, theres a new record label called Escadrille out there. Theyre in GA I think. Have you heard of them? They plan to specialize in ska, swing, surf & rockabilly (four of my definite favorites!) & they just released their fist CD called Aces, Twos & Fews which is a ska/swing compilation. I ordered a copy and in my letter to them I put down hoi polloi's mailing address to receive a review copy in case they are doing promo stuff, so hopefully, youll receive a copy soon! Oh one more thing, enclosed is the $3 I borrowed from Hoi Polloi that night on the way back from Buffalo when I didnt have money for the toll, Im so it sorry took long get this back to you. I forgot about it, which is quite lame of me! I only had a $5 so just consider the extra $2 a donation to hoi polloi. Oh one LAST thing, Abbey [sic] wasnt working when I went to Moon so I didnt get a vibe on whats up. Has anyone contacted you more about the whole ridiculous situation? Well, take care & stay in touch. Give my best to Danielle! Zoë E., Rochester, NY 14617 p.s. MU330 sucked but Blanks 77 rocked! Only a 45 min show but they did everything off Killer Blanks p.p.s. Looking forward to finally hearing The Professionals on the Tuesday night ska show as I, once again, cant make this Sundays show |
Hey Eric I'm writing to say thanks for the new issue of Hoi Polloi! And for the Sluggo ad in it. I like the writing a lot very funny stuff. The new catalog should be out in late January/ early February. I was hoping to start earlier (the holidays were great for Sluggo but a bit too much for me) I love New Year's Day that shit's officially over! Happy New Year, & I'll send a catalog when it's done. Anthony Torres, Sluggo Mailorder Orlando FLORIDA
Jav, Thanks for the trade, I really liked both 'zines. The Miggedys ARE really big here. Theyre almost trendy, but so are the Checkered Cabs, Mephiskapheles, Ocean 11 and other bands you totally wouldnt expect to be. Its all good! Noey KYTZYL 'zine, Halewia HAWAII
YO JAV! Thanks for tha dope ryme. I've been to the Hoi Polloi! page before, I had it bookmarked till it all got erased. Later yo! DAV (Professio N Al) |
"Thickass ska zine from New York with lotsa articles, concert, record and zine reviews, interviews with Johnny Too Bad/Strikeouts and the Allstonians. Send a dollar or two" P. Kellum, Trouble Bound #6 Lenexa KANSAS
Dear Hoi Polloi! I was wondering if you could send me your latest issue. Out of all the zines out there ...You've got the best. Dan and Jav's commentaries rule! I read them (sometimes w/ editing) over the air on my WALF radio show 89.7 FM. Another question: Do you guys accept cartoons? Let me know. Thanks a lot, Brian Neu, #657 Powell Campus Center, Alfred NY p.s. Ian says Hi
JV we have finished recording an album that will be out in early fall and it's called Maximum Perversion. The lineup is the same as the one on God Bless Satan, but we will be touring with Vic Rice on bass, not Mike Bitz brendog (Mephiskapheles)
John, I told my boss about your printing, so take your paper there and ask Doug to print it for you. I don't have time, I have to go to school all day and then work at night. wah wah wah. thee inept copygurl
hoi, i would like a copy of this magizine i got a flyer from Fantastic Records and was intererested so i went on to this site. please send me an e-mail on how to get and issue. thank you for your time. Jonathan Baxter, Brighton NY
I just checked out the Hoi Polloi website. It looks good! I enjoyed reading the 'zine a lot, my one complaint it's really hard to read the interviews because of the small print and the blurring that happens when you scan something into a computer. But really i did enjoy the site. J. Sprig, New Haven CONNECTICUT
Heya just got #4 in the mail today (forwarding takes a while :( ). Just flipped through and I must say I'm quite impressed. Definitely one of the better "cut and paste" zines I've seen in a long time. And it's got that great DIY look and feel to it. Kudos! - Y. Watanabe, RiMShoT!
Hello, Id like the 44 page issue #4, please. I got a flyer and had to get it. Heres the dollar and three stamps. Thanks! Sara Myers, Berry, NEW HAMPSHIRE |
Hi John. This is Amy (Petes friend) I was just wondering when the next issue is coming out because Ive been working on the crossword puzzle and I cant get a bunch of answers. Its like I know em but I just cant think of them and a couple are really bothering me! So mail be back. Thanks!! Bye bye! xxx Amy Lakecrest, 14612
You must save your girlfriend's sister get her out of Minoa before she's EATEN ALIVE. I moved to Syracuse, yep, more fun here. I can walk or ride my bike everywhere. Suburbia is a plot for cash by the automobile industry, don't you agree? Yeah, I'm the bass/guitar guy in the band The Flashing Ashtonishers. The Chuck's show was fun, were you there? We're playing the Bug Jar sometime in Oct - check your listings. We're not ska at all but you might dig it. #10 de la Flashing Ashtonisher is yers - we put out 2,000 o' the fuckers - and are doing more next issue hopefully. Issue #11's to be ALL EROTIC so gear up the vaseline. Send a stack o' zines, we'll hand em out at shows - we always have a table o' free shit. Take it easy, Gregg Yeti
"This is probably the best zine devoted to ska that I've seen. There are good articles about the silliness of 'scene mentalities', plus interviews with Hepcat, The Scofflaws and several others. There are also lots of music, zine and book reviews, plus goofy little clippings. Layout mixes computer with cut & paste and looks pretty good." Idy, Something for Nothing #38, Massillon OHIO
Tue 7 Oct
21:53:22-0400 subject: what's up jav Hey there Jav how's it going? I got your 'zine in the mail yesterday (my mom forwarded it to me at school). By the way, my address here is temporary [New Haven CT] if you were to need to write me for any reason, you can reach me a lot more reliably than if you send it to my house. I think you are doing a great job with the 'zine. I especially liked the Meph and Pietasters interviews. Plus Hoi Polloi is just really cool to look at. Anyway my band (well, not band exactly, more like "project") The Sprigs is putting the finishing touches on our first demo. The music is kickass, and I'm going to send you a copy as soon as I get the tapes back from the duplication company. You can review it for the 'zine if you like -- if not, well, just give it a listen. Expect to be getting that in the mail about a month from now, I'm looking forward to your next issue -- maybe I'll even pay money for it. Heh heh heh. See Ya, Joe Grimm, Dahlonga GEORGIA |
Jav: Hello, thank you for the complimentary trade of your zine. I really like it a lot, & the layout is very well done. Unfortunately, I dont have an issue of the Flying Skacer to trade with you. I have put away my editors shoes, and 3 years worth of zine-hood. I am in my final year of college, and my schedule doesnt allow me as much free time as it used to. Thanks for your interest in my zine and please keep up the good work Carrie, Brandon FLORIDA
Dear JAV, hey dood whassup? Remember me, its me, Erin from Distant Voices zine? We finnaly got numero 17 out....YAY!! It's still not anywhere as good as yours, but its an improvement!! So, have ya been to any cool shows lately? I've been to a few. Have you seen Metro Stylee, they are really really good. I just did an interview with Andy for the next issue. Well, I better go hope to hear from ya soon!! Thanx keep skankin' your favorite zinesters: Erin & Alli, Scarsdale NY
![]() Black & White #6 // Rude Boy Web: Bob Timm, page 12. |
Skaloha Hoi Polloi! I got your address out of the Moon Skazette, I think. Wanna trade 'zines? I would appreciate it if you could. Anyway, some local bands you may have heard of are Tantra Monsters on Dill Records, Red Session (their singer Selika Drake appears on Stubborn's Version City) & Ohana Junction on Steady Beat's upcoming Westcoast Chronicles Craig, Kaneohe HAWAII
"Ska zine outta Rochester NY, containing interviews with Isaac Green and the Skalars, Pietasters, Scofflaws, Mephiskapheles, Hepcat and King Chango. Also there's articles, news and reviews. Check out #4 by sending two buckaroonies to the HP! address" P. Kellum, Trouble Bound #7 Lenexa KANSAS
This sounds very tempting but I already took today off school. I have something to tell you...about the interview. Well, I waited around after the show and interviewed Jeremy Mush1 the trumpet player. He took a piss and walked and stood around for like a half hour and said some really cool stuff. I mean, this was a freakin' incredible interview!!! He said that the Wix is from Buffalo and she is now the president of Hellcat and she signs all the bands and they gave her an apartment and a car and she lives in L.A. now. He also said that the Slackers were going to release a CD under the name of "The Nods" and it would be all punk music. After the interview I noticed that I had it on pause the whole time! Sorry JAV!!!!! He thought it was sooo cool that he was being interviewed because usually it's someone else so I was thinking that maybe I could email him the questions. Email interviews sorta suck but during the interview, I didn't say anything anyway and this guy has a lot of really cool things to say! What do you think?? Davie B.
"So what if there's a barcode on there! This is Roc's premiere skazine! Scofflaws, Hepcat, Mephiskapheles, Isaac Green, King Chango, and The Pietasters. plus crossword puzzle, local news, reviews and other stuff" J. Lyons, The Right Path #3 [x716x]
"HOI POLLOI is a very indepth SKA 'zine. I like this zine, cause it teaches me about the ska scene. This zine is ska, that's it, and JAV knows his ska. Tell 'em Worm sent u." The Worm Hole #13, Penn Yan NY
"Hoi Polloi! #3 & 4: Ska-focused and really informative about the modern ska scene, with a focus on Western and Central Upstate NY. #3 has ints w/ Johnny Too Bad & The Strikeouts, Venice Shoreline Chris, The Allstonians and a longish article looking at Ska and Scooters in Syracuse NY. #4 is much thicker and features Hepcat, The Scofflaws, Mephiskapheles, King Chango, Isaac Green & The Skalars, & The Pietasters. Zine/record reviews/digest/photocopied/$2." Gregg A. R. Yeti, Flashing Astonisher #11 (all-erotic issue) Syracuse NY
first with photo accompaniment |
3/2002 > |
Hello JAV, Yesterday your zine arrived and I must say: I like it very much!! I was very impressed about your reviews of "Dead or Alive" and "Stompede". We know that V and W story since 11 years now, but I guess Klaus will never learn it (for the rest of his life). Thank you also for all the other stuff (Photos etc.). I hope we gonna meet next year on our States Tour!! As you probably know our new CD "Make a move" will be released on MOON NYC - so things gonna be easier for you. I guess you will get a promo copy from Steve - if not please tell me. Release will be in October 98 or January 99 not clear yet. For the requested interview I think it would be nice if we do it together with the release of "Make a move" - I hope that's OK for you. Thanks Cheers Peter Quitte, The Busters Rauenberg, GERMANY
I heard about your 'zine in Cosmic Haystack so please send me some issues. I put in what you asked for Nicole Alkov, Westminster CALIFORNIA (Orange County at its best!) |
"Hoi Polloi! Skazine #5, $2ppd, Half-standard, 56 pages, typeset. Interviews with: Skavoovie and the Epitones, Less Than Jake, Paul Phelps, Bin Skala Bim [sic], Mighty Mighty Bosstones and more. Audio, live and zine reviews." Flipside #114, Pasadena CALIFORNIA 91116
Are you coming to the show on Saturday? I already got the ins' on an interview with the Pilfers, and Probably Reel Big Fish. so I can get those for issue #6 if you want them. If your not coming see if you can mail me some copies to sell, and one copy of issue #3 if you have one. write back as soon as you get this. - DPK, Oswego NY
hey John, this is that clip for Hoi Polloi you asked for. Thanks a million for all the stuff you've down [sic]. We contacted some kid in Penfield for trombone. name's Keegan Wood and he saw an ad at Nazareth during some competition. - the Motives
Subject: Hoi Polloi! New Online In celebration of Eric Mearns' 22nd birthday this Thursday, I've put this up. Keep in mind its very crude and not permanent at this address, but it should work for a coupla weeks until my prof shuts it off. happy mothers day all. JAV |
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Hi guys, can you send me your zine. Thanks! (Heres $2, US) Syod Razikin, Woodlands Drive 40, SINGAPORE
nice page, I do like it. ill have to send in that $.99 so I can get the new issue Adam Little, Rochester Ska Webpagemaster
Hello, Can you please send me one copy of the June '99 Issue 6. Thanks J. Berner, Potsdam NY
Hi, I sent you some money a few days ago (a dollar) but now I realize that it wasn't enough. Here's some more $$ for issue 6. Sorry about paying in installments. J. Berner, Potsdam NY
"HOI POLLOI is a killa ska zine, (read the interview next page) and JAV know his shit, and support the scene, and is a very cool dud." The Worm Hole #15, Penn Yan, NY |
Superb. Definitely one of the best zines Ive come across Kevin Flowerdew, Do The Dog Skazine Berkshire, ENGLAND
"The layout style is fucking terrific! Pure hand crafted beauty. And the writing is actually intelligent and engaging; by far the best around today. Stands WAY out in my mind" Jordan Hillyard, Denver Skabeat / Rude Tales Comics COLORADO
To whom it concerns at Hoi Polloi, Hey, I read a review of your zine in Skatatrophe [Fall 98] and was wondering if you still put out a zine. If you do, could you please send me a copy? Thanks, I've enclosed 2 bucks. Cyrus K., Menlo Park CALIFORNIA |
"Hoi Polloi! Skazine #6 (5 1/2 x 8.5 64 pages $2) For some reason i just received the summer 1999 issue. Weird. I like this zine a lot because unlike most ska zines this is a real zine its photocopied, not newsprint and has a mixture of computer and cut and paste layouts. Its a fanzine without the major league aspirations. There are interviews with Coolie Ranx, Neville Staples, Laurel Aitken, Vic and Dave of The Slackers. Loads of record and zine reviews, plus little bits on local bands and ska radio shows. Comes with a sticker too. Quite an accomplishment!" Something for Nothing #47 Massillon, OHIO |
Dear hoi polloi! zine Hi. Im Ari from Indonesia Im interested in your skazine releases, wonder if you have free sampler I would like to read it. We had terrible problem of searching ska stuff 'cause it's too expensive but
Wonder if you guys have used stuff like CD, zines, shirt anything can I have it? heres my address: HARI. Thanx for your attention. Sincerely Hari, Jakarta Selan 12210 INDONESIA
Dear HPSKA I read all about you in issue 47 of Something For Nothing I have enclosed $2 for 006. Sincerely Willard S., Washington D.C. |
Hey Johnny, I just got the zines in the mail today. You guys have absolutely the coolest skazine I've ever read. I love the fact that you keep the DIY punk rock look too (isn't a zine supposed to be about cut n' paste? Ha ha) Anyway, the layout is awesome. Don't you just love Laurel Aitken? He is the sweetest man I've ever had the honour to interview. And to this day he still keeps in touch with me (I did one with him for my issue #2) Your interviews are so in-depth and interesting, not just standard "Who are you, what are your influences, how many records do you have out..?" stuff. Good job. Seriously, I'm sure you get that a lot! Anyway if you want to distro up here in Toronto, or Montreal, let me know. I also know a girl in Edmonton who helps me out. We should do a trade for ads! Take care, Yvonne M. Suits and Spikes & Toronto ska-punk co-op/ ONT, CANADA
Read #16
18 Jan 02
Dear Johnny, the zine is getting fixed up, i'll send you a few copies in a few days. here's the nightshift demo, burn it & keep a copy for yourself (when we make more I'll send you one too). We just played a sold out (my god!) crowd last weekend w/ general rudie. it was insane! seven hundred f***ing people! I kept my eyes closed most of the time. anyways, email me when you get this! talk to you soon, xoxo yvonne TO, ONTARIO
And there is a great regional ska zine in our area, Hoi Polloi, but it comes out so infrequently that we really can't rely on it for critical information.
Apr 2002
"Recommended reading time! The following top notch publications all have new issues out now. Ska Patrol (issue 8), 4 Swansnest Avenue, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 Ireland... Hoi Polloi (issue 7) PO Box 13347, Rochester NY 14613, USA..." Do The Dog #25 Berkshire England
Hope all is well in Rochester. Just saw these flyers hanging up on a telephone pole looks like I missed Bad Manners! I saw The Skatalites though. That was good, though the security guard told me to take my hooded sweatshirt off because he thought that I was a gangster. Anyways, take care... P.S. I ran into Matty Messner (the Priests) the other day while walking down the street! Peter, San Francisco CALIFORNIA
Subject : hi hi hi! |
Okies.. here we go... i ordered some stuff from Asian Man Records.. and they sent me all kinds of crazy crap... including the 7th issue of your zine.. i read it.. and loved it.. and i was wondering if you had any copies of issue 3 hanging around? i saw that there was a johnny too bad interview. and well i'm a big fan =) thanks for your time! |
A great job. This thick catalog of reviews you have made is an essential guide to recorded ska. It's interesting to see what your choices & views are on CDs that I have been playing. All the ones I don't have (and hope to find) are here, as well. Then there's things like the Untouchables disc which I have had here for years & never brought in to play. Also, thanks for mentioning Milton Blake! Doc Awkward, host of The Ska & Roots Emporium, 88.5 FM WRUR ROCHESTER, NY
Dearest Mr. Jav Hi. Nice to hear from you again! Thanks for the latest Hoi Polloi! its impressive. I like the layout and its amazing that its that many pages. It was weird reading reviews of stuff Ive had for ages, like Madness (had One Step Beyond on cassette + Absolutely on vinyl since like 12th grade. About two years ago I got The Lot box set, so now I have them all on CD), Fishbone, the Beat, and the Ska-Dows (had the LP taped from a friend since 1991, got the CD a couple years ago). Incidentally, all of the Beat stuff was released domestically on CD before these new issues. Mine are older and slightly different. I love all their stuff, but probably most to least in the order it came out... The interviews are pretty good much more interesting than most. Its always good to ask different questions. I can relate to your dislike of the Christian Ska bands. I dont like most Christian music, as it tends to be sub par, and I dont like the sneakyness of trying to make good look 'cool' via whatever music style is already established. He is what He is, and to most that probably wouldnt considered cool. Anyway, keep in mind that there are some Christians that arent total idiots. Thanks for the dollar + postage stuff. These issues should bring you back up to date, and Ill put you on the mailing list too. IDY SFN Massillon, OHIO |
Re: Stargreen Sez What the hell are y'all talking about? That's the most confusing email I've ever read. Who is Eric and who is J Andrew, and who are all these CC:s you sent this to? Why do you want to confuse me like this? What did I ever do to YOU! But, oh, yes, I wrote that Out of Bounds thing, "Lessons of a Lost Sound," which was well-intended if not the most eloquent thing in the world, and which also appeared in Stargreen (no copies of which remain, not even my private stash!). I cannot believe anybody out there made that association without a tip-off from SOMEBODY. So who was it??? Patrick Smith |
"Hoi Polloi! Skazine #7 [Digest, 116 pages] I could have sworn I reviewed this zine a while ago, but I guess it slipped past. The fact that this issue is almost two years old and still relevant speaks of its greatness. For a ska zine, HP is very open-minded, covering all waves with equal interest and enthusiasm. Case in point, this issue features engaging interviews with Toots Hibbert (Toots & the Maytals), Dave Wakeling (English Beat), Rob Hingley (Toasters) and Johnny Vegas (Bosstones), symbolizing Jamaican ska, 2-tone, Third Wave, and ska-punk, respectively. The only thing this zine needs is to come out more regularly!" Read Magazine #22
Hehe, although it was unexpected to finally get that $20 dollar bill, it was really appreciated. Even better was to read your zines and listen to that Untouchables CD. I was really happy for that disc, that band is rather obscure here in Europe and it was cool to listen to their really early stuff (although sound quality was rough). Thanks once again!! Good to hear that your zine is still going. I haven't read a good ska-zine for years now. Here in Europe there used to be tonnes, now I can count them on my five fingers. Nice to see that you're contributing stuff to the SKAWARS website. Since your writing is real good it would be cool to have you write more often for Skawars. I could do some stuff for Hoi Polloi too. Have you heard THE BLASTER MASTER? I've been doing management for that band for 2 years now, organising tours and stuff. Their present label is owned by Warner Records, and doesn't know too much about how to market a ska band, so we're trying to get a new deal for the band on a more ska-oriented label. Grover would probably be the best, they're booking their gigs in Germany, but we'll see. Stomp is going to have a track on an upcoming comp. I'll send you some of the band's stuff soon. Thanks once again! Niklas, OSB Promotions SWEDEN
"HOI POLLOI SKAZINE (po box 13347, Rochester NY 14613-0347) issue #7 out, and #8 soon (NOW?) ok JAV know his ska, and this zine is pure SKA, no metal, but thats cool and He helps me out, by sending cool pix-art-zine-CD, and he supports the scene a great zine, and you should check it out now! !!!!!!!!!!!!JAV RULE!!!!!!!!!!!" The Worm Hole #19, Penn Yan, NY
"It's incredible this zine was made by one guy, it is so in-depth and well researched. Here are just a few of the things you can find in Edition #8: Interviews with the Planet Smashers and David Hillyard, articles on Lee Perry and The Clash, tons of album reviews, an interesting editorial by Nightshift's Yvonne Moir, info on local Rochester ska, and more... Jav, you keep raising the bar on quality! (Limited number of issues 300), 8 is great!" Gem, webmaster rochesterska.com
This thing is SUPER well done.. Big ups to JAV Grif n' Ops
Just received this boss zine from Upstate NY. Its good to see that in this digital age there are still ska fans hardcore enough to put out old school paper zines. And what a plethora of info for some great toilet reading here!! 68 pages of articles, reviews and news. Cheers! Bucket, Toasters.org
hI Jav, man let me tell you your fanzine is FANTASTIC, honestly, I haven´t seen anything better yet, really I was breathless and feel ashamed comparing my zine to yours, great artwork too. Let me be your slave :::: no man I really like it, no joking, pretty great work, I wonder how comes you don´t sell many (as you mentioned) this should be for any ska fan a bible. And compared to the Skaworld it´s like comparing Gwen Stefani to Phyllis Dillon/=HP zine. The babe is just my kind, love that kind of haircut hmmmm :o)) Actually how many you did and how many you sold ? btw. could you help me by selling few bananas, so you can say Da, we have bananas... let me know and once again thanks! ciao, Don Bruno Ferrari / Banana Fanzine CZESKA REPUBLIKA |
3 Sep 03
22:32 |
alright, that picture is wicked would you mide if we put it on a release we are putting out ourselves? Jay WHITMORE, Salisbury ENGLAND
"Holy shit, this zine is still around???" Matt Carroll, Bridges Freeze First Danvers MA
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16 Oct
08:12:17 +0000 Subject: Re: interview Hey, I'll be in NYC Oct 30th - Nov 10th. I've a few shows, there's a good one on Monday Nov 3rd. I'll be in New Paltz (?) for a couple of days too. Be happy to hook for a beer or five. Cheers for the 'zines... Tim Wells, EAST LONDON |
4 Nov 03
19:22:04 Subject: Hoi Polloi Thanks for the new zine and the note. We just put out Jersey Beat #74 and I put a copy in the mail to ya. I have a guy who writes for me that loves ska, he'll go nuts over your zine. thanks again Jim Testa jerseybeat.com |
Just wanted to say thanks and well done for the new Hoi Polloi. Nice to see that you're keeping up with the spirit still. There's not a heck of a lot of paper zines around anymore, and yours is definitely one of the best. It's funny how we seem to share exactly the same taste for ska, all your reviews are spot on. If you want me to contribute something for next issue, let me know. Right now I'm unemployed, hence the more regular updates for Skawars. I'm trying to get the thing going again. Some guy wrote to me the other day and said that my reviews were too "mean", that I shouldn't slag people off within the scene. Yeah, but at the same time it's kind of boring that zines like Do the Dog write that everything is excellent, right? And I don't think I'm mean, I'm being honest :-) One thing I've tried to steer away from though is the more personal way of writing I used to have in earlier issues of One Step Beyond. I looked at some old issues yesterday, and some of that stuff feels pretty embarrasing now. I guess it's a common problem, trying to make some boring article funnier by being witty or tongue-in-cheek, and it all comes out as incredibly lame. Do you know what I mean? Tomorrow I'm off to see "The Killers" here in Stockholm. They're a ska-cover "celebrity" band consisting of various familiar faces from the Swedish music scene. They're not that great, but it's about as much as we've got. Ska is pretty dead here at the moment apart from these guys that everyone love. That's all for now, Niklas
Skawars.nu/international's BEST RIGHT NOW list by Niklas Bergstrand |
Subject : dude |
I want to make sweet love to your zine. Sweet, sweet love. And then I want to make out with the screen printed envelope it came in. And now I'm just being creepy. :D Kelly T, Mission Viejo, CALIFORNIA (p.s. thanks!!!)
Jav Thanks for sending the copies of Hoi Polloi! It's great your still doing the zine after all these years. and also for sending those great photos, plus reviewing King Apparatus and 4 Trackaganza! Here's a copy of Ska World #1. Hope you like it. Peace, Chris Murray Venice, CALIFORNIA
Hey, I am listening to the Deltones and hey you did the cover extra for me....man I really don´t know what to say...perhaps GRAZIE would be ...thanks a lot... donbrunoferrari, CZESKA REPUBLIKA
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Wow, thats a bummer to hear about Ska World. I was really excited to see what he had in store for issue two. I submitted a couple of interviews to him and he had a lot of cool stuff planned. It really is pretty hard to keep a zine going. Alot of people don't seem to want to take out ad's and stuff. And also, it seems like the younger generation that's coming up is so used to the internet and stuff and don't really remember or know about the days when 'zines were so vital a source of information. |
"Hoi Polloi! Issue #8 (NY, USA) This zine is so visually impressive I am embarrassed with Everything Crash. It's a chunky zine, and the tit bit's style means I've been carrying it around in my back pocket, returning to it to always find something new. It's ska and its thorough, but more than that, it offers interesting reading and lets face it, cut and paste zines will always be better than the DTP variety" Glen Smyth, EC #1, Sydney AUSTRALIA |
Hello! I got your address from my friend Adam at READ. He said I should send a copy of my new CD to be reviewed. Hope you like I'll try to send things in the future if you want. Cheers! Victor Rice São Paulo, BRASIL
Hi Jav, Thanks a million for the copy of Hoi Polloi....fantastic! Made my day, a bona fide fanzine that had me sitting for two hours non-stop! Great stuff, and much appreciated. Yeah, I'd love to do an interview or whatever....let me know what you want, or send it through. Anyhow, just wanted to make contact for now, I'll write more later, off to watch footie on the box! regards, Steve intensified UK
Hey Jav, Jim from Big Roots here. Just got your package, thanks for the 'zine I'm really glad that you're still at it. Nice piece on Scratch. The first time I met him he was playing SPIT on Lansdowne Street in Boston, backed up by the Terrorists. The same night that Bob Marley died. Scratch was grumpy. I've got a cassette of the show somewhere. Yeah, that pic of Mushroom was from the Electric Avenue bridge. Our sax player lived on Ramona Street a block away. And yeah, Unk was QUITE a guy!
"Meh, ...it's a ska zine" Alex Skatekorpse Douglas, Dunk and Piss, Chili NY
Jav... Thanks for the issue of Hoi Polloi. Very nice. I appreciate the pics too. Where were they taken? We're planning a summer tour and who knows we might even get close to Rochester!!! We're finishing a new record and I'd like to send you a copy. Shall I send it to the PO Box in the zine? Keep in touch. Thanks for the good work keeping Ska alive. Skankingly yours. William Haynes and Strangeways. SARASOTA FL |
Hey! Nina here from STOMP, how are you? We just received the latest issue and it's amazing! Thanks so much for sending it over. I love it. If you ever need anything from our end, just let me know! Have a good weekend N. Sudra, UNION2112
Anyway, just got your new issue and as usual it rocks like fucking thunder. I hardly even remember doing that ad but was stoked as hell to see it in there with the Smasher interview. I'll see what I can piece together for the next ad. Hope you're doing awesome. Cheers Mike, Stomp Records MONTREAL PQ
Johnny, Thanks for the radio info! I figure, I'd trade you a 'zine for a HP issue. Also are 2 stickers for your adhering pleasures. The zine is my friends' - it's her college radio station's zine. She interviewed me for it, but even better is there is a good interview with Django. Have Fun! - Michelle, ROCKVILLE MD / dcska.com
"[issue no. 8] (5.5" x 8.5"--72 pages--$3)
I like this zine a lot, though this isn't really one of my favorite issues. It is really good to see that at least someone is still dedicated enough to ska AND zines to keep it up, though. There' s a pretty good and informative/interesting interview with David Hillyard and Larry Mcdonald of the Rocksteady 7, as well as interviews with Court Jester's Crew, Arthur Kay, Planet Smashers, and Tim Wells (who seems like a snobby jerk). Plus there's a piece on Joe Strummer and the Clash, Lee Perry's visit to suburban Rochester, and loads of album reviews. Oh, plus zine reviews and other news bits. The layout is pretty great, with a lot of attention to detail (particularly in the review section)-- all cut and paste too. Always good." Something for Nothing #59
"For better or worse, ska has been noticeably absent from the music press lately, which makes this zine essential reading for those rude boys still lurking about. This issue features interviews with Rocksteady 7, a tribute to Joe Strummer, a look back at Lee Perry and reviews o' plenty" Patrick Sayers, Punk Planet #60
Hello, I just read about your zine in Punk Planet, and it sounded realy cool so I was hopeing that you could send me one. I'm living in Salt Lake and things are going pretty good around here, spring has come and its starting to get really nice, after a long cold winter. I hope things are going o.k. for you and your part of the world. I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. That is could you tell me your favorite zine and ordering info (address, price, etc.) well thank you for your time. M. Gonzales, SLC UTAH p.s. keep up the good work!
That's a great little magazine... So when's the next issue coming out? Tono, Top Notch Monogramming Pittsford NY 14534
Dude your newest ish was dope congrats on a good release. My newest publication project is this, Bluebeat Express. Alex from Mass Hysteria, Matt from Spitshine Records have a monthly nite here called 'Tighten Up' as much as I can put the BBE out. Also I'm in a band its 50's R&B called the Alrighters Andrew Galante, Bluebeat Express HYDE PARK, MA
hey names Alan Sousa, I live in Rhode Island and I wanted to know how to get ahold of an issue of Hoi Polloi!, went to the link. Wicked cool stuff in it, but I don't know how to get my hands on a copy.
"Thick packed full zine subtitled 'ska for the man in the street.' Clip art craziness keeps every inch of page covered. I'm not really a fan of ska or reggae, but this still held some interest. A true FANzine. Focused on ska, 2-Tone, reggae and soul. None of that crappy MTV stuff. Interviews with The Planet Smashers, The Rocksteady 7, Tim 'Bilko' Wells and Court Jester's Crew. Also an obit for Joe Strummer, tidbits of ska related news, a ton of record reviews and more. Solid writing." Aprille, Slug & Lettuce #79 Richmond, VIRGINIA
Hi, saw the review in Slug and Lettuce #79. Are you interested in submissions as far as ska related artwork, or a ska-themed comic? Tea Krilios, Riverwürst Comics Milwaulkee, WISCONSIN
Dear Hoi Polloi, Please may I ask to be placed on your mailinglist, I am an indignant prisoner of the last 20 years and read a great review about your publication in Something For Nothing #59 by Idy. Thank you for your time and consideration; and have a great day! Humbly XXXXXXXX a.k.a. Never There, D.O.C. #2----- Washington State Penitentiary Walla Walla, WASHINGTON
Hoi Polloi- A beautiful spring day, the sun is up, whisps of clouds float carelessly above. Rhode Island pollen is thick in the, giving me a small case of the sniffles. At the campground I work at, I sit in the front booth & check campers coming in. Its nice, I read a lot. working on Ken Keseys One Flew Over the & Thoreaus Walden, I have also been flipping through a new Slug & Lettuce; which is really the meaning of this letter, I read a review of Hoi Polloi Skazine. Would it be possible to get 2 copies? There should be money here, unless the mail-man stole it I hope all is well in New York, the summer is approaching & the care free vibes are already everywhere. Hopefully more concerts will be outside this year, a substantial amount were last year. A cookout is needed! If any of you need a place to crash or need help w/distro or setting up gigs, drop snail mail or one of those digital lines at y Thanks again & hopefully our paths will cross soon. peace n love, Christoph Gilroy. Wakefield, RHODE ISLAND |
I got issue 6 from my friend who was attending Nazareth when it first came out (someone gave a friend of mine a copy with a new cover 2 or so years ago, i think it was a re-release?), and it's the best zine i've ever seen! I know i've got my number six somewhere and i've had my sticker on my sax case for years, and now it's been moved to my car "dance, music, printed, SKA" amazing! i could use a new copy though cause it's pretty beat, and i'll send you whatever for a copy of every issue, because I really want to read them all! t. smolenski, threeprong.net
Oi! I am Ferdie of Le Beat and also a distributor in the Philippines. I see your review in Slug n' Lettuce and I'm very interesting in your fanzine. Hope you can trade this simple fanzine of mine. Earth's Final Warning is a project of Le Beat Distro/Zine. Only trade no money involve. Issue #1 of I have a 1,000 copies and for our next issue I hope I can review your fanzine. I want to support "Hoi Polloi Skazine". The first issue have no reviews but in our next issue I'm proud because there's a label, band and other zinisters support us. Hope you like this goofy fanzine of ours, more respect from us. Ferdie Lindayen & Sampaloc Crew Boi!!! MANILA 1008 PHILIPPINES
Subject: GOT YOUR ZINE Ferdie here of Le Beat Fanzine < Earth's Final Warning > Anyway, just got your zine and CD... thank you so much... Gonna include it on my reviews on EFW #2... it will be distributed on the December before the year ends. Yeah I know Imelda Marcos... She just got 2,000 pairs of shoes.... and it really sucks.......!!! Gonna send you CD too... |
"I remember the best skazine here, the "Newskaster" same level of Hoi Polloi. What else can I say Good quality, nice lay out, fantastic reviews, up-to-date news, lots of pics and number 1 skazine in the world. And I mean it. Why? It's just because he did it alone by himself. #8, US $3/$4 World." Earth's Final Warning #2 MANILA 1008 PHILIPPINES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
My name is Nikki, I work with Ray T (he said to say Hi!) we were talking about music the other day and I mentioned my love for ska and he said you have a ska magazine. I was wondering how or where I can get a copy of it. The web site is is great but your email is bust. I appreciate any info you've got, I've kind of fallen away from the ska scene and miss it greatly. There really is no ska scene here in the burbs. Tragic. Also, I am in search of any Desmond Decker [sic] music, I've got a best of but I can't find anything else. If you know of any let me know, also anything by the Bodysnatchers! Thanks again!! Nikki, PROVIDENCE RI
2/1/05 |
Hi J, how's things? Hope all is well. Just thought I'd send a message to see if the zine was still planned ...I've been reading no. 8 a lot again recently ....that's the true mark of a good zine, it's ageless! Great read....had the Aggrolites staying here too and it got a good thumbing. Is the next one still in progress?? I recall answering a couple of questions from you, but seems a long time ago, if you still want to do that, please feel free to send more questions/ send back what we've written just for a reminder/any updates. Also, I'd be more than happy to write any reviews or articles for the zine. At the time you last wrote I was helping Kyle and Kelly with their zine, did some label reviews/ record reviews/and interviews etc, but apart from issue one, they seem to have disappeared. Lot's been happening, great Aggrolites tour here, we had a new album of course, etc etc. ok, take care, Steve Harrington. East Folkestone, KENT UK
YAY! I got it! Bravo! Not only on the 'zine, but on its slick packaging too. Love it! And the articles are interesting even if I don't know the bands. You should start a design journal/ zine. I would write for it, as a educator in the field. That's right, I am DONE!! I am a teacher. Last night was my last class ever... well for a while anyway! Do you read Emigre? R. Jacobs, ASTORIA NY 11105
Thanks for the recognition. There were only 5 or 6 people that helped me out back then, and you were one of them, and I appreciated it. Your magazine was extraordinary. There's something to be said for good 'ol fashioned paper and glue. I would love to check out the master pages sometime. But it's also kind of a sad reminder of how few 'zines there are nowadays. I've always been a fool for xerox art, and it seems like a dying medium. But then the few 'zines there are out there are filled with weird gratuitous violence, and nasty dissing of just everything that isn't just two inches from their heads. Hipness and class can only come from graciousness and respect, and your 'zine is full of graciousness and respect. I quit doing TGH because it was just bringing me grief and life is too short for grief. Too brief for grief. Print isn't dead yet, but I think that the magazine-as-book-art guerrilla mentality is. Everyone's a desktop publisher now, and there's no center to harness it. Plus newsprint in general seems to be embracing the fringe more and more, weirdos are getting employed now. Frank DeBlase at City is one of the best writers I've ever read. He's just fearless. And there's no way he would have been able to get away with that as soon as 5 years ago. Anyway, enough of my yakking. Thanks for the note and I hope you're doing well! C. Reynolds, The Group Home ROCHESTER NY
Do The Dog is great and so is Hoi Polloi! Skazine, both that have survived for years and have always put out great content unlike that R*EAD magawebzine thing some monkey puts out! hehehe Jiant webmaster, toasters.org |
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Re: Miggedys Had a great lunch with you & Danielle. Ate too fast, myself. I just got back here & thought about Eric for a moment, which reminded me that I lost 95% of the "second" Miggedys album that Andy posted (as part of the great HD crash). Do you have those tracks or possibly the link to where Andy posted them? Only "What's Your Point?" survived here. Dr. Awkward, mid-gastronomy of Paola's Burrito Place, 1:51p EST |
Got the latest Hoi Polloi and loved it, thanks a lot! (Years since I read the last one; I was glad to find I had only missed one issue in the interim.) Luckily the ska scene is perpetually small enough so that skazines have a nice, long shelf life. News of Todd Eckhardt's death came as a sad surprise -- read my Pietasters interview in DSB #7 for some sordid tales of his adventures. Hoi Polloi is an outstanding zine. You obviously have a great time putting it together and it's a lot of fun to read -- really well-designed and dense with info. If you should ever finish the mythical #9, let me know if you could use some artwork for it. Loved your self-cut typeface! Glad we could get back in touch, Jordan Denver Skabeat / Rude Tales Comics COLORADO
"A zine in my own collection is Hoi Polloi out of New York. It is done in a cut and paste fashion (as opposed to desktop published) and looks amazing. I hate to think how long it took to cut out everything and place it together before heading down the video shop to photocopy it all, but it was well worth it even for a little appreciation down here." reggae.net.au
The posters look great, and thanks for including the [Pietasters' Denver Skabeat #7] interview - it's hilarious. Steven Ransel aka.twitch ROC-SKA.COM |
What have you been up to for the last decade or so? I've kept up with Hoi Polloi online over the years, up to issue 8 anyway. (And I've still got my collectors edition issues 1-5!) Are you still working on it? I've been living in Minneapolis 612 for the last seven years on an island in the middle of the Mississippi river. Although I spent Y2K homeless in Las Vegas, which is a different story entirely. Otherwise, things are good. Hope all is well with you! B.P. Johnson
Hi Andrew, Natty Bo from Topcats. do you have a number/email for interpunk or who ever is putting out Topcats c.d. in USA? Topcats are on BBC radio Mark Lamarr's show today will be broadcast Saturday then BBC web. I toured U.S. Canada and Japan last year with my other band Ska Cubano should be touring again in November. Cheers* Natty Bo, LONDON [**4 YEARS LATER, IN RESPONSE TO HP8,P49**] |
Wow, I haven't checked out the Hoi Polloi site in a good while. Will make sure I add the link now. I still look at the issue you sent me and have even used in teaching zines to my high school English class. Love your work. Glen Smyth, dizzybeatnetwork.com/ |
oh and for good measure... the best skazine ever made: HPSKA.COM SMOblog on SG |
hoi polloi is one of the best things I've ever read period. I actually contributed a small blurb about The Glow or something way back when for one of the issues. I'd love to see the full archive of that online. Andrew 'Frizz' Frisicano, City Newspaper |
Subject: Re: Rochester Have you been in Rochester for a long time? It didn't strike me as the kind of city that would produce ska fans DJ 2ToneTed Morris, LOS ANGELES, CA |
Hey I just got the 'zine just now. My wife was kinda enough hand over the mail and in the the great words of Stephanie Tanner "HOLY MOLY!!" I flipped through it just now and now I can see that what all those raving reviews were talking about. I can't wait to dig in and eat up every word. I gotta say the stamped name is pretty awesome. And HOW THE heck is the logo done in the back?? The Glooey Gabe Cabbage Patch kid is great! Man, I remember collecting those stinkin' things when I was a kid. Had my closet door covered with em. Trading, stealing em'...those were the days "when I was young I'm not a kid anymore" It's like I'm staring at a pile of clues with this 'zine of yours man. But blue ain't around to help. Thanks!! - G309
hey john i caught your pod cast freakin genius i never would have come up with that idea. you the man. I've got 215 messages in my email i should check it more often. hey I've got a lot to talk/ask about , think about the slackers in sept i could drive. I've got this really fucked up schedule but if i don't hear from you i'll give you a call in a few days . peace out ed sedor
Hope you enjoy reading it [Pick It Up! 5 year anniversary issue] as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your 'zine was fabulous! Cheers, Maddie Ruthless NAWLINS, LOUISIANA <myspace.com/maddieruthless> |
8:08 PM |
subject: hoi polloi! somehow found your website on the internets. fun rereading the stuff from 10+ years ago. thanks! timmy (tIM from RBDTC zine) |
10:04 AM |
subject: stooge'd I just found this on hulu! the past couple of years i've been searching for the balance between drawing what i want and working full time and it's hard. but i'm going to start moving more toward fun things, and maybe i'll get to my mephiskapheles video i've wanted to make for years soon...hum. in any event, any time i see the word "oi" it makes me think of you and your 'zine and how much care and work you put in and what it stands for. and helps me reassess my values and want to push my work ethic to do what is important to me and that i think people might dig. ramble ramble! is your address on the hp ska site still workin'? i want to make some postcards soon and would like to send you one! Thomas Sebastian Smolenski |
I was genuinely really impressed by the fanzine - keep up the great work! The package arrived today - wonderful! Many, many thanks for the disc, fanzine, photos and flyers. Really great stuff all of it. Do you still print the fanzine or is it purely on-line now? I recall getting a copy many moons ago and was greatly impressed then. I have to rush off now, but just wanted you to know how much I appreciate everything. All the very best, Laurence Cane-Honeysett, TROJAN RECORDS LONDON ENGLAND
"An amazing resource for anyone who's into ska" - duffguidetoska.blogspot.com |
"hpska.com have actually got a cool tribute to the label's releases here: /unicorn.html" - Do The Dog Music |
I had four or five people I haven't heard from in 30 years plus get in touch with me in the last year. People get busy. How were the Pietasters? I have to say I've heard some really miraculous things thanks to your web site. I strongly encourage you to keep up your correspondence and send me a name or two from time to time. Really appreciated the Apache file! What are you humming to in your head now? phx Jim Trowbridge, Democrat & Chronicle music freelancer, c. April 1992 |
i just wanted to thank you for introducing the wonderful world of Toots to me. i enjoy him all the time and he has become a regular in our home. : ) have an awesome day. aim |
8:14 AM
Sun, Dec 4, 2011 |
Thanks! You got any more back issues? P. Lucas Smith, auction winner & @skapunkdaily SEATTLE WA 98115 USA |
When you first wrote to me, I had not made the Hoi Polloi connection. If you are the guy who has always done that 'zine, then we have actually met before. I ran the IthaSka radio show in Ithaca for a little over a year (1997-98), and did a lot of the DJ-ing between sets at the ska shows at the Haunt. Small world. Anyway, keep the details coming! I appreciate them and thank you for the link. - J. Pette, pettediscographies.com |
"Hoi Polloi! was one of my favorites back in the day!" Tedford, the Studebakers (then) / Wareika Hill (now) |
Hey John, Thanks for the VHS! Plus, thanks for all of the other goodies you included, especially that goldenrod yellow What Is Ska? What Is Moon? pamphlet. And your HP issue was great. It was nice to be able to add that to my collection of mid-90s skazines. Speaking of, I'm trying to compile a complete listing of all Moon Skazettes that were issued. I probably have ten or so in my collection (mostly from having visited the Moon Storefront in the 90s), but I'm surely missing some. Maybe we can compare what each of us has (with Jeremy too) and put together a list. Just a thought. Thanks! C. Leonard, WAYNE PA |
16:14 |
Thanks for coming out the other night. These are great shots - I honestly don't remember doing anything for the news by my desk, but I guess I did! Been reading stuff in the Hoi Polloi you gave me. Man, I don't think I had as many words in my last book as you crammed between the covers. All great stuff. I'd love to get together some time for a beer to talk ska. Maybe invite Frank DeBlase along (he'll stick to chocolate milk). As for the poster, that's Gene Kelly. Cheers, Charles some Ska band ROCHESTER NY. Oh, and do you mind if I use that great photo you took of the band?
01:15 |
You just made my day! What an honor to have been included in a This Day in Ska History - wonder if any of the other tales made it in. How are you? C. B. Dahan, Department of Recording Industry MTSU, MURFREESBORO TN
Nice, thanks. Heather Augustyn (HP7 auction winner, author skabook.com) CHESTERTON, IN |
I don't know if you good folks were up on the Rochester-based Hoi Polloi 'zine back in the 90s, but it turns out they've got eight issues online, covering ska and the upstate scene in the late 90s, and even a couple from the early 00s. Check it: hpska.com/ Oneonta Ska Society
Such a powerful package. It gives me a reason to keep going. I had no idea that you used to publish this great fanzine. I hope we find the time to talk some about Hoi Polloi. Great interviews, so much work and love in it. What I found amazing about the St. Joachim picture and the text on the back: My wife is called Anne! Cheers and have a great weekend. Joachim Uerschels. The Braces/ Reggae Steady Ska, KöLN GERMANY
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"Every ska record that has ever been reviewed might be in this anthology. At least anything up until the winter of 2001. Because that is when this 'zine was published. The dudes who put this together asked that I make it known; there are still a lot back issues, so if youre into ska, this is a resource that may very well be useful to you. Im not a fan of ska, but I skimmed through this 'zine and there is a lot of info. It would be a damn shame if all of these back issues were never read and got trashed. Its feels like a good resource worth preserving and archiving." $5, 5.5 x 8.5, copied, 113 pgs. [Simon Sotelo] razorcake #85 |
16:13 |
Went to a club by my house the other night to see Bridie and her husband's band. Opening band was Nick and the Adversaries. Hey these guys look familiar. Oh is that the bass player from Big D who MacAllister and I interviewed for HP at TT the Bear's in the late 1990's? Yup. Did Steve Foote remember this interview and HP? Yup. Oh, the guitar player looks familiar too. Nick Bacon from the Pilfers. Did he remember me from The Haunt in Ithaca 1998? Yup. Says he just released a new Pilfers album, he says their best yet. So then did they play a face-melting set of pop/ rock/ rocksteady/ soul to an audience of 3? Yup. - Eric
Hello - I saw a review of your skazine in a recent issue of razorcake. Is there any way to order back issues? I love what you guys have done on your website. Thanks, Haig CLOVIS CA
Subject: Re: Miggedys CD YES! I was away and just got to listen to it a couple days ago. Thank you so much and please pass on my thanks. He filled up the disc with a bunch of tracks I don't know but I do recognize a couple from the 'It Came from Oyer's Basement' compilation. I haven't had a chance to read all the material he sent yet but I'm really excited to. Thanks so much and please let me know if I can compensate for materials or shipping or whatever. SkaTiger PITTSBURGH |
Subject: London International Ska Festival Hi, I just discovered your website when I was looking for pictures to do with my old Ska bands Bugsy Malone and Apollo 7. I noticed you had a picture there from the 4th London International Ska Festival on your page, The image is here. I just wondered if you had a larger image? And also if you had any images of the 5th & 6th London International Ska Festivals as well? A bit of a long shot I know but I am trying to collate all our old band stuff together to show my kids and maybe make a book if I get enough material. I wish I had knew about you last year as I went to New York & the Poconos Mountains for a Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Thank you in advance for any help you maybe able give. Kindest Regards Carl, KENT UK |
13:45 |
Subject: Ska CDs period 1979 - 1990 Hello, Found your very nice and interesting web-site. Really a lot of essential stuff for me to read! I have a wonder - if you know where to find/buy the bands from the period 1979 - 1990 on the CD format? Are there any good web-shop for second stuff etc...? Kind regards from Sweden! Anders, LUND .SE |
22:06 |
I got it! Thank you so much for tracking me down. I shared it with the other guys who did that interview and they were stoked. Cheers! Apirat, (Guitarist with The Speakeasies, 2001) Brooklyn NY
16:16 |
Hi John, I posted the 'zines but unfortunately I couldn't include a copy of Work, Rest & Play or anything else as it would've tipped the weight over 1kg and increased the postage quite a bit. Any copies of Work, Rest & Play may be buried somewhere in my mother's house so will have to try dig them out... I may have a spare or two to send you. I didn't realise you did Hoi Polloi, that 'zine always had a great reputation. Just been looking at your Unicorn site again, great to have everything cataloged like that. I never knew there was a 7" of Make Me Smile or Scream Jean (one of my favourites) for example, I was lucky to see The Deltones a few times back then. It was strange though as a year later (1990-1991) they played a few times in Dublin but refused to play almost anything from Nana Choc Choc in Paris, they had a totally new set which was a bit more soul based. I have some live recordings, must take a listen again.... Ronan .ie |
We left out any already published reader mail from 1996- 97-98 It is reassuring to know others like the 'zine despite every reason not to, in the end, only substance will support public exclamations of advantage. |
"a great, great ska zine, even though it comes out once every Ice Age" READ MAGAZINE "mítico skazine estadounidense" - LIQUIDATOR MADRID HOI POLLOI! POB 13347 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14613-0347 USA |